Wednesday 6 October 2010

Location Scouting

Today we went location scouting in order to find a effective but suitable place to film our teaser trailer. We looked at the backstreets Tonbridge high street and here are some images of the possible locations that could be used;

A large open area with benches could be used for for many different shots because of the space. However may not include the trees in these shots because it gives the location a rural feel which is not usually found in cities.

A bench outside Sainsburys could be used for a shot of the protagonist sleeping rough or sitting and staring into space.

A shot of the protagonist running down this alley way could be used to represent her running away from the problem shes faces in her life. The rubbish on the floor and the run down buildings gives the mise en scene a grimey feel which is effective when trying to portray the rough conditions our protagonist is forced to live in. We could also use the small cupboard on the left as somewhere for her to live.

We took this shot because the close positioning of all the buildings makes the area seem quite industrial and built up just like the typical conception of London. The over growing plants and aged wooden fences also makes the area seem quite run down which we could use to our advantage to create an establishing shot of the backstreets of London.

This shot of the back alleys of Tonbridge appear gritty and unclean which could be used to emphasise the poor quality of life our protagonist will have to live in. We could use the large bins for the shot where our protagonist finds a blanket in one of them. The location is also in a convenient place away form traffic and the public therefore our filming won't be disrupted.

Many of these location which we scouted in Tonbridge could be used within our own teaser trailer. Although our trailer is meant to be set in London, we could use this location as it has no indication that it is Tonbridge. Also filming in Tonbridge would be more convenient for our media group as it is closer to home.

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