Wednesday 23 February 2011

2. How Effective is the combination of your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?

The main aim we tried achieve from our teaser trailer, poster and website was to represent our chosen genre successfully and to induce interest and excitement for our target audience of 'teen to young adult, both genders'. However, it was equally important for us to remain aware of the social issues we were representing and focusing on in our trailer and concentrate on the topic of homelessness, running away, isolation and vulnerability of our protagonist.

We used the same typography and colour scheme across our promotional package . We chose a selection of fonts from online font provider All the fonts we chose related to our theme; simple, clear and bold. This was effective as it gives our trailer and promotional package a signifier of the social realism genre. We felt that the homogenous typography used throughout the full promotional package combined successfully created a clear visual branding for the audience. This was effective because we created a sense of branding and unity for the individual promotional pieces. Therefore, the same typography throughout allowed the audience link these together creating a sense of identification for the full promotional package.

Throughout our promotional package we ensured we used the same style of location for our mise en scene in our main product and ancillary tasks. As a result, in our website and poster we were able to portray typical characteristics of the British drama genre with the use of still images of graffiti walls in the background. This was effective as it suggests to the audience a suburban, gang culture orientated film, like that of the British drama genre, of which we were trying to portray through our final piece.

As we used this type of imagery throughout our promotional package it was effective because created a sense of homogeny for the three products which allowed the audience to associate the individual products with each other. Therefore, once again, making a form of branding for our British Drama film.

Having previously looked at successful British drama films, one of the codes of conventions was having the protagonist as the main focus of the audience's attention. Throughout the full promotional package, especially the poster and website we were able to convert to this convention by ensuring the protagonist was the main feature of all three products. Yet again, creating unity for the three products due to the common feature between them and homogeny for the promotions of the film as a whole.

Overall, we felt that the combination of our main product and ancillary tasks was very effective at creating a sense of branding and homogeny because we ensured that there were a number of recurring similar features throughout all three pieces. We felt this was key to creating a sense of homogeny for the film and the audience of which we achieved.

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