Tuesday 12 October 2010

Audience Research; The Survey (closed questions)

As a group we conducted a survey in order to obtain research about our possible audience. We handed it to 42 people of all different ages and sexes however the vast majority of our respondents were females aged 16 to 18. We used the website SurveyPirate as our main method of data collection.


As our respondents are one particular gender and age this may create biased results. Therefore we shall do some further research into a wider range of of people.

Then we moved on to ask our corespondents about the British drama genre;

What Type of British Drama do You Prefer ?

Which of These would You like to see more in the Cinema?
From these results it can be seen that comedies are most wanted to be seen more of in the cinema. However we discussed at an earlier date that we would not like to do a comedy as it would be difficult to do so we have decided to focus on one of the second preferences; Social realism.

Then more specifically at the social realism and social realistic films;

Social realist films usually focus on a current issue in society, which of these would interest you the most?
As a result of this we have chosen to focus on the issue of homelessness. Although the most popular option is the poverty we can incorporate this within our teaser trailer as our narrative may be about becoming homeless because of the recession

In a social realism film based on homelessness, which genre of music do you associate with this?
Taking our results into consideration we shall be focusing on the Indie and grime music genres for music in our teaser trailer. This will be meeting our audience's expectations as well as looking into creating quite a modern soundtrack to our coursework because the two most popular choices can be considered as 21st century music.

Do you feel one word titled films or longer phrases are more effective?
We are going to meet our audience's needs and make sure our title is either a single word of a short phrase

As a result of conducting this research we have found out about our audience's main need and expectations. We will now use this research to create and develop ideas for our teaser trailer.

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