Wednesday 23 February 2011

3. What have you learnt through Audience Feedback?

Audience feedback is vital to our evaluation process. We had a number of methods of which we received audience feedback which were all important for the critical analysis of our final products

Audience Screening

Looking at audience feedback, which we have displayed in the two graphs below, it is clear that people felt that props/mise en scene were the most effective parts of our teaser trailer. This could be beneficial in the future when creating new media products as we will be aware of our strengths and areas we could improve on. Due to the genre being British Drama, mise en scene was our most important feature as it was necessary emphasise our location for homogeny and branding and fitted to the codes and conventions of the genre. Overall, the audience also felt that lighting was the least effective element of the trailer. This is most likely because we filmed all our clips outside and we only used natural lighting due to the restrictions of our genre.

Looking at audience feedback from the screening, it is clear we were rather successful in portraying our chosen genre through the teaser trailer. However, there was a small number of people who felt the trailer did not fit the British Drama genre. This could be due to our choice of actors who some of the audience were familiar with and so they found it comical. Hence, that is why the small number believed it was of the comedy genre.

Therefore we have learnt from this that we should consider using actors who the audience is not familiar with in order to avoid any former identification which may effect what we want our teaser trailer to portray.

YouTube Another method of gaining audience feedback was through the medium of YouTube comments on our upload of the teaser trailer on to the video sharing website. Overall the feedback was positive and it enabled us to see which aspects of the trailer were especially successful. Facebook

Our final method of receiving audience feedback was through the social networking site, facebook. On this site, we created a fan page which enabled the audience to keep up to date with our progress and we were able to promote through this too. Below is an example of feedback we received via the group.

This was valuable when critically analysing our work and the advice and praise was useful when making creative decisions throughout our production and evaluation process.

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