Tuesday 5 October 2010

Full Promotional Package Analysis; Requiem for a Dream

Requiem for a dream "depicts different forms of addiction leading to the characters’ imprisonment in a world of delusion and reckless desperation that is subsequently overtaken and devastated by reality." The genre is quick confusing, yet it is most definitely a gritty psychological drama that reflects the true harshness of life and the devastating problems people can encounter.

Poster analysis;

Having deconstructed the poster, it would appear that a key aspect of which makes this appealing is the originality and contrast between the three separate thirds. The three thirds appear to have no connection and this helps it to stand out and be more memorable. However, this could easily be really clever or go very wrong. So therefore, it must be an important thing to consider when designing the layout of our promotional poster.

Website Analysis;

The requiem for a dream website is definitely unique and at times very confusing. However, it is brilliantly creative. There is not a homepage, as such, for the website but a series of part-interactive flash images. Below are a few examples;

This is just a small selection of the number of interactive pages that come onto the screen when looking at the website. It appears to have no clear anchorage but everything is relevant to the film. It would only be understood by someone that had previously seen the film. It leaves a viewer that has not seen the film before very confused and bewildered. It does not play the trailer or give any clear information about the film. Although this is very effective and creative, it may leave the viewers bewildered and confused which is not what we wish to portray to the audience. So this may not be a viable option for our promotional package but there may be some aspects of the website we wish to consider such as the interactive options.

Trailer Analysis;

The use of fast jump cut editing creates a sense of tension and builds up the emotion for the audience from the beginning. As it is a theatrical trailer, it does give away a lot in regards to the narrative, the viewer can already tell that it will not end happily for the characters. The trailer begins at a slow pace, speeds up and then slows down again. Phrases are repeated from the beginning again at the ending, reflecting the cycle that goes on throughout the film.

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