Wednesday 1 December 2010

Trailer Tagline; Big Issue

Big issue is a magazine that is created especially to help those that live on the streets or are homeless to 'help theirselves'. they are a charity that helps to provide opportunities to these unforuntate people. They have very iconic taglines for their magazine. Due to this, I have decided to look into this as we may need a tagline for our film.

1. "A hand up, not a hand out"

2."Street trade not a street aid"

3. "Coming up from the streets"

4. "Good homes, good jobs, good health, good life."

5. "Working, not begging"

6."Your small change will make the difference"

Looking at the six of these, they are rather short. No more than 8 words. The shorter ones appear to be the more effective ones. They are easy to remember and usually rhyme which makes them catchy. The taglines also appear concerned with breaking the illusions people have of homless people (street trade not a street aid). this may be something that we want to consider for our trailer. We want to break the stereotype that many have of young people that are homeless or living on the street. Perhaps if we came up with a tagline that was more relevant to our character and storyline. As the theme is that all the chaos that happens in the film is only over a short period, perhaps a week or a few days. We have come up with a few ideas that still need work. However, our favourite at the moment is;
"Only on the streets would a week feel like a lifetime.."
This is good as it is quite short and not too difficult to remember and it directly addresses the fact that the film is based around living on the streets. However, as it doesn't rhyme it may not be as effective as other ideas we could come up with.
We will brainstorm some more ideas and develop these as we develop our promotional package.

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