Friday 3 December 2010

Kidulthood Deconstruction;

Whilst coming into the final days of editing our teaser trailer, I have been keen to make sure we don't stray from our original ideas too much and make sure that we keep our genre clear to the audience.

Due to this, I watched Kidulthood and have deconstructed it so that we can keep clear on the codes and conventions of British Dramas;

From deconstructing the film I found that;
  • Dealt with serious hard-hitting issues throughout. Especially suicide at the beginning and then a murder at the end
  • POV shots throughout to show the audience what its like and create a sense of sympathy with the characters
  • Lots of over the shoulder shots, created a sense of following the characters
  • Set in west London - Location was key, very busy and easy for characters to get lost in the crowd
  • Contrasted characters home life against each others
  • Graphic sex, violence, binge drinking and Drug use. Behaviour clearly deemed acceptable
  • Characters wearing very casual loungewear clothes
  • Overtly sexual girls
  • Teenage pregnancies
  • Fitted the stereotype of how youths are portrayed within the media
  • Changes of high angle and low angle shots to show which character has the power or authority at that time
  • Race is a clear issue throughout
  • Music reflects the urbanisation of the location, very 'grime' style and heavy beats
  • Low key lighting/natural lighting used to show reality of the situation
  • Diegetic sound is usually used throughout except where the characters are moving locations, shows the harsh reality of their situation
  • Everyone trying to be older/act older than they are. Age is a key issue.
It is important we remember the codes and conventions of British Dramas, such as Kidulthood, when finalising our trailer so that the audience is clear on the genre and that we continue to challenge ourselves with this genre.

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