Sunday 5 December 2010

Possible Typography ideas

After looking through the thousands of fonts on, we as group finally selected these four fonts as our possible final choice of typography;

Idea 1

We short listed this font because it gave off an urban, city location feel due to its grafitti like appearance. This is demosntrated through the uneven positioning and alternation between bold and thin like appearance. Although this type of typography would work well in representing the urban, gang nature of the film, it does not convert to the codes and conventions of a typical British drama font or being plain, bold and simple.

Idea 2

We considered this typography as it fits to the codes and conventions of a typicla British drama typography. It is plain, bold and clear and therefore quite formal and striking. Although it does not hint to the 'living on the streets' narrative our teaser trailer surrounds, when placed against relevent imagery and colouring, the group agreed that the typography should compliment the promotional package well.
Idea 3

As a group we felt this typography was very effective as it combines the clear, bold font criteria with a 'gritty' appearance. The scratched out effected across the typography really appealed to the group beause it reminded us of the This is England typography as it uses a similar appearance. However we also felt that this effect could also be associated with the horror genre and therefore may not be the best typography to use as it would not represent the genre we have chosen for our narrative.
Idea 4
This font also has a grafitti like appearance because of its jagged font and bold outline. However we felt the emphasis on the graffiti style resulted in the font looking too inforal land child like. This is not the style we are looking for in typography as our aim is to make our promotional package look as authentic and professional as possible.

After looking at hte pros and cons of these final typography choices, we agreed tha twe shall use choice number 2 as our final typography. This is because it perfectly fits the criteria of a typical British drama typography.

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