Saturday 21 August 2010

Audience Research Survey

Here is a copy of our audience research survey which we plan to hand out as many people as we can of different ages and gender;

1) How old are you?
- 15 and under
- 16 - 18
- 19 - 24
- 25 - 30
- 30+

2) Are you male of female?
- male
- female

3) Which of these British Genre's do you prefer?
- Social Realism
- Comedy
- Social Drama
- Thriller
- Costume/Period Drama

4) Which would you like to see more of in cinema ?
- Social Realism
- Comedy
- Social Drama
- Thriller
- Costume/Period Drama

5) What 3 things do you associate with the British Drama sub-genre of Social Realism?
*open question*

6) Social realist films usually focus on a current issue in society, which of these would interest you the most?
- Poverty/The Recession
- Homelessness
- Warfare
- Young Pregnancies
- Drugs/Alcohol
- Promiscuity
- Gang Violence

7) In a social realism film based on homelessness, which genre of music do you associate with this?
- R n B
- Grime
- Indie
- Rock
- Metal
- Classical
- Dance
- Other

8) Do you feel one word titled films or longer phrases are more effective?
- One Word
- Short Phrases
- Longer Phrases

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