Wednesday 1 September 2010

Narrative Theory

Narrative is the coherence given to a series of facts. Through narrative we connect events and make interpretations. We looked at narrative theory as a method of giving structure to our teaser trailer. Here are some of the theories we looked at;

Aristotle's Unities
A narrative should be created within a 'unity' of time, place and action. Therefore narrative should all take place in the same location, in real time and with all action moving towards a logical conclusion.

Freytag's Dramatic Structure
Narrative is broken down into a 5 part structure;
- Exposition (setting the scene)
- Rising Action (something happens)
- Climax
- Falling Action (clearing up)
- Catastrophe/Resolution

Levi - Strauss' Binary Opposition
Narrative tension is based on opposition or conflict. This can be between something simple such as two characters or more often functions at a ideological level eg. Good vs Evil

Syd Field's 3 Act Plot Structure
A typical Hollywood film can be separated into three dramatic sections/acts;
- The Setup
- The Confrontation
- The Resolution

Barthe's Enigma Code
the narrative will establish enigmas or mysteries as it goes along. essentially, the narrative functions to establish then solve these mysteries.

Todorov's Theory
Narrative begins with an equilibrium, a calm period. Then agents of disruption cause a disequilibrium. This is then followed by a state of renewed peace and this new equilibrium brings chaos to an end.

Vladmir Propp
Suggests that the characters take on the role of narrative 'spheres' of action or function;
- The Hero (restores the narrative equilibrium)
- The Villain (creates narrative disruption)
- The Donor (gives the hero something)
- The Helper (aids the hero)
- The Princess (character that needs to be saved)
- The Dispatcher (sends the hero on their task)
- The False Hero (appears to good but at the end is revealed as bad)

After looking at a wide range of narrative theories for different types of film we have decided that the theories which we can relate to our own narrative are Aristotles Unities, Todorov and Freytag's Dramatic Structure. This is because as our film idea focus' on one character's life and the series of events that happen to them. Therefore it is likely to have plenty of disequilibrium to equilibrium throughout the trailer whilst remaining in a short period of time in the same location (the streets of London).

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